
Thursday, August 21, 2008

Life at 145 mph

Life at 145 mph

So forget being a rhino at 30 mph I want to go all out. 145mph or more in the way I live for Jesus. Apparently there is a spiritual lesson to be learned about going that fast on a motorcycle.

Back story to this is on Saturday night or Sunday morning, not really sure which. I got on New Circle to go for a trip and to test my guts as to what speed I felt I could handle. That morning I had went 120 while going to work and that was fun and not all that scary. While driving around new circle I’m waiting for traffic to clear and it does somewhere after Harrodsburg rd so I open throttle. I duck down for a more streamline effect and watch the mph climb. I get to 145 and decide that’s fast enough for tonight. Of course it wasn’t but I didn’t want to push my luck to much so I got off on Leestown Rd and went home.

Now I realized that while I was getting to that speed and even while slowing down my focus was straight ahead. I wasn’t looking to the left or right to allow myself to be distracted of what was in front of me because my life was pretty much on the line and one simple mistake could‘ve very easily killed me. How many times have we lost focus of what’s in front of us while looking at something to the left or right and we watch our lives crash? I know I’ve done it. I’ve done it recently but now my focus is straight ahead and I’m gaining momentum praying I don’t get distracted by things to the left or right of me again because eternities hang in the balance.

There’s a fear in it because of the speed and adrenaline because of the speed. Speed=unknown. Because of the unknown we’re afraid yet I personally enjoy it. I enjoy walking, running, speeding headstrong into my fear. I’m not saying its easy or that it doesn’t hurt.

My focus is straight ahead where Jesus leads me and His path I will follow even if it takes me through the bowels of hell, which by the way I feel like I’m there and I can laugh. I’m laughing as I go through this. I may have lost my mind but that’s another story.

Btw I’m not encouraging anyone to go 145mph on a motorcycle. I think the reason for that experience in my life was so I could write this and share with you what it meant to me. And I still want to go faster but I’m looking for a road course so I can do it as safe as possible. Just an FYI.

Speeding with the Father,